Friday, February 28, 2020

Bib 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Bib 6 - Essay Example According to the Acts, the Holy Spirit directed the Antioch Church to send out a missionary team, comprising of Barnabas and Paul (Act 13: 1-3) for the purpose of preaching the Gospel to the Jewish community and the Gentiles. It was around the 48AD that Paul and Barnabas led a commission from Antioch, Seleucia and travelled to the island of Cypress (Calmet 1832, p731). The group made various stops along the way in villages and settlements to preach the Gospel. As indicated in the map (Fig 1), the team made the way through Salomis and travelled through the area of Paphos. It was here that they met the Jewish sorcerer and false prophet with the name of Bar-Jesus. He was actually an attendant to the Governor Sergius Paulus. Paulus was an intelligent logical man and was interested in seeking the truth. When he summoned for Barnabas and Saul, Elymas the sorcerer intercepted and tried to steer Paulus away from them. Paul, with the power of the Holy Spirit, unveiled the truth about Elymas’s deceit and lies and stated that he would turn blind because of them. Paulus, hence, converted to Christianity. From Paphos and Cypress, the mission continued onwards to Perga in Pamphylia. This is where John left them to head for Jerusalem. Preaching and spreading the message of God, the mission travelled to the city of Antioch of Pisidia, and covered the towns of Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe, further East (Acts 13:13-14:20). In Iconium, Paul went to the Jewish synagogue to an assembly of Jews and Gentiles and was so articulate in speech that a great many of the listeners converted; however, the Jews were specifically hostile and the evangelical strategy to preach in synagogues proved to be more cumbersome. Along the way, Paul and Barnabas faced life threats and stoning, were confused as the human form of God and had to persistently explain

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Human Resources Management, The Learning Process and Practice of Essay

Human Resources Management, The Learning Process and Practice of Training & Development - Essay Example But other organisations prefer the traditional one coupled with a new and modified system. In the manufacturing world, they call it ‘hybrid’. Although theorists seem to have faded, their ideas and theories which have long been formulated a long time ago remain significant and useful in the modern world. Training and development have to be applied in a systematic way. The organisation is viewed as a system, and training as a subsystem. We can find the usefulness of training as ingrained in the system through our different readings and in the literature. But I also want to add experiences and real-life situations from our organisation. We consider training and development as very significant for the success of our mission as an organisation and as individuals with careers to nurture, along with our respective families who expect from us and support us, as well. Knowledge of learning theory is indeed significant in workplace training in practice for we can use this as a bas ing ground for successes in training and development and the outcome of it. ... Training is a subsystem and looks up to the organisation as the reference point. It would then be easy for a comparison of the different sub-systems because all the other branches and departments are inter-related. The outcome of a particular training becomes easy to distinguish and measure whether it has been effective or whether the outcome of the training meets the objectives of the organisation. From this systems theory, Buckley and Capley developed the 14-stage model to expound the effectiveness of the systems theory, as against Harrison’s (1997) 8-step model. Background of my Organisation I belong to an organisation which is international in scope. At present we are tackling the challenges of globalisation and the effects of inter-culture and diversity in what commentators call the global village. Based from our initial approach of the systems theory, our organisation conducts periodic training but also a needs-assessment for training and development; meaning we also con duct training when the situation demands. For example, the organisation conducts cross-cultural training (CCT) annually. But there are times that aside from the regular CCT, we also conduct training when a manager or employees are being sent abroad or to a subsidiary, i.e. in addition to the regular CCT. Trainings are systematic, regular and conducted in accord with the organisation’s objectives. There is no regular period, or time frame, when a manager or employee has to be sent abroad, for there are various situations when a manager, or department head or employee, is needed in foreign countries. These situations include, a) when a branch has just been opened in another country, b) when a manager has just